Aphantasia without SDAM?

I suspect that aphantasia and SDAM are two angles on the same basic phenomena.

People with SDAM are incapable of “mental time travel” to moments in their past — and this kind of re-experiencing is almost always visual. If you can’t visualize at all, then you probably are also incapable of mental time travel.

If you think you have have aphantasia without SDAM, you’re saying that you can re-experience memories in other sensory modalities — perhaps you can conjure up something you mother said to you once, and you actually “hear” it in your mind’s ear in her voice. These folks probably exist, but I think that they’d be rare. Some blind people, for instance, might inhabit this category.

This is all to say, if you have aphantasia, you probably also have SDAM.

I know a lot of us aphants do not identify as SDAMers, but I suspect this is because we don’t understand what mental time travel is like for neurotypical people. Apparently, other folks can close their eyes and re-experience moments from their past in rich sensory detail. (How rich, of course, varies.) People with SDAM remember our personal histories in the form of stories, but we are not going to recall incidental details like the weather, the day of the week, what people were wearing, or what you were thinking at the moment. (We can, however, remember spatial details, like where people were sitting at a table.)

As for SDAMers without aphantasia, that seems possible. It makes sense to me that one might be able to visualize, say, a generic apple, without being able to visualize (and mentally time travel) to moments from your past.

What do you guy think?


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