What should we call ourselves?

SDAM focuses so much on the deficit in our autobiographical memory. But, clearly, we have many strengths — especially when it comes to big-picture thinking. SDAM is also not easily made into a person form. SDAMers?

Since we excel at big-picture and conceptual thinking, (and aren't so good at details) what about:

  1. Nomothetic Syndrome (Nomothetes)

  2. Persistant Macrovision Syndrome (Macros)

  3. Extreme Schema Builders (Schemers? Schematics?)

  4. Synthesizers (Synesthetes?) (I guess this one is taken)

  5. Developmental Amnesiacs (DevAms) (this one is currently used to describe people who suffered hippocampal damage as young children. I hate to steal, but there are a lot more of us.)

  6. Semantic Syndrome (Semanticists)

I like No. 1 the best, Nomothetic Syndrome, and it's not my idea -- the professor who named SDAM told me that he considered it but decided to go with SDAM to bookend HSAM. It also suggests Idiographic Syndrome as an alternative plain-language term for HSAM. (Too bad Idiographs sounds a little like an insult.)

What do you think?


SDAM and Big Picture Thinking


Aphantasia without SDAM?